
How to comply with the new requirements for casino advertising in the Netherlands

By Elena Carruthers

The Netherlands put new casino advertising requirements in place that are effective as of April 1, 2021. Learn how to comply with the new requirements. 

The Gaming Authority has introduced new additional advertising requirements in the Netherlands for all casino advertising. Changes are effective as of April 1, 2021, so it’s imperative that any casino operator, or affiliate, take the time to learn about these key changes.

Kristien van Wessel, an expert from the Dutch affiliate site idealecasinos.nl, has shared how to comply with the new requirements.

Requirements for Land-based and Online Casino Sites 

Online and land-based casino operators must not use:

  • Personal data. Any personal data, acquired from the player playing in another game of change, cannot be used for any purpose. 
  • Athletes or professional sports teams. Advertising cannot include any professional athletes or teams unless the advertising is in the form of sponsorship. Casinos can sponsor teams or players, but advertising cannot include these entities. 
  • Role models. Certain role models cannot be used in advertising, such as any models under 25 or persons that have a large following of minors or younger adults. 

Casino operators are responsible for conducting all of the necessary research on role models prior to hiring them for any advertising. Operators must analyse the role model’s target audience to make sure that their primary reach is not young adults or minors.

Additionally, games of chance may not be advertising on television between the hours of 06:00 and 19:00.

Advertising of any game cannot be done where games are available:

  • In apps 
  • On websites 
  • In games 

There are additional requirements depending on the permits that a casino has obtained.

Requirements Based on Certain Permits 

Gaming Slot Machines, Remote Gambling Licenses or licensed Gaming Casino

If a casino has permits for gaming slot machines, remote gambling licenses or are a licensed gaming casino, the following requirements now apply:

  • Recruiting and advertising policies must match the casino’s addiction prevention policy and meet mandatory risk analysis. 
  • Advertising cannot target any person 18 to 24 or any person excluded from engaging in games of chance. 
  • Advertising and addiction prevention statements cannot be combined. 

Bonuses, which are considered advertising, must inform players of all conditions to meet the bonus eligibility. Additional bonus requirements include:

  • Bonuses cannot be offered mid-game 
  • Bonuses can only be provided if the player accepts 
  • Bonuses cannot be offered as an incentive to continue playing 
  • Bonus offers should not be provided if the player indicates that they do not want the bonus 

Additionally, bonuses shouldn’t be offered if the player is in addiction prevention, or an intervention has taken place to help the player fight their addiction.

Remote Gambling License and/or Sports Betting License

If you have any of the licenses outlined above, you may not advertise during any of the following: harness racing, horse racing or sporting events.

Remote, Sports Betting, Instant Lottery or Gaming Casino License

If advertising on radio or television, advertisements cannot run between 06:00 and 21:00.

Remote Gambling License

If a casino operator has a remote gambling license, the following new rules apply:

  • You may only advertise goods or services other than gambling on your site or gaming interface. 
  • No advertising is allowed to be presented when the player is receiving information about the limits of their own playing behaviour. 

Additional Reporting Requirements 

Periodic reporting requirements have also been updated. Operators will be required to report on the following:

  • Bonuses paid out 
  • Recruitment and advertising results for games of chance 

All casino operators must provide reports as required.


The advertising requirements are in addition to all rules that games of chance must adhere to under the Games of Chance Act. Advertising requirements are in place for all casinos that have a license with the Gaming Authority.

If you don’t have a license, advertising any game of chance is illegal.

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