Can Better Collective pull off the next ambitious phase of its evolution from igaming affiliate to sports media business? Scott Longley explores this alongside a strong Q4 for many of BC’s listed rivals, with M&A and long-standing strategies starting to come through for Gambling.com Group, GiG Media, Raketech, Acroud and Playmaker
Better Collective’s planned transition from gambling affiliate to sports media giant dominates this report.
Tapping these fresh revenue streams and achieving the distance from the sector needed to realise its ambitions of partnering with brands like Coca-Cola could turn out to be BC’s most audacious coup.
No mean feat when considered in the context of what an incredible 20-year journey this has been for the company so far, a point really hammered home by its recent capital markets day presentation (see p6).
As the expert commentators Scott Longley spoke to for this report highlight, BC has the momentum behind it in some important aspects, not least the blurring of the media/affiliate line by the news and content-heavy nature of the model pursued by affiliates in the regulated US state markets since 2013.
While BC’s activities loom increasingly large over the whole sector, this was also a quarter where the performances of its listed peers stubbornly resisted being overshadowed, with long-standing strategies and acquisitions really starting to deliver for GiG Media, Gambling.com Group, Acroud, Raketech and Playmaker, among others (see Part 2 from p12).
As always, I would love to hear any feedback you have on this and other iGB Affiliate content. You can reach me at stephen.carter@clariongaming.com.